Do we all need to change the world?

In most popular inspirational and motivational books about entrepreneurship you were secretly being pushed by the characters of people who would make world a better place. It is making a huge pressure if you are in the middle of somewhere with your drifting within your life and trying or seeking taking actions to change your goals. And not surprisingly social media pumping that startups and entrepreneurs with bright innovations that are going to change the world.
I came across with below sentences in “Rework” book which exactly telling my thoughts with the pressure of starting your own business.
“Enough with “entrepreneurs”
Let’s retire the term entrepreneur. It’s outdated and loaded with baggage. It smells like a members-only club. Everyone should be encouraged to start his own business, not just some rare breed that self-identifies as entrepreneurs.
There’s a new group of people out there starting businesses. They’re turning profits yet never think of themselves as entrepreneurs. A lot of them don’t even think of themselves as business owners. They are just doing what they love on their own terms and getting paid for it.
So let’s replace the fancy-sounding word with something a bit more down-to-earth. Instead of entrepreneurs, let’s just call them starters. Anyone who creates a new business is a starter. You don’t need an MBA, a certificate, a fancy suit, a briefcase, or an above-average tolerance for risk. You just need an idea, a touch of confidence, and a push to get started.”Excerpt From: Jason Fried. “Rework.”
We sometimes miss the point of what a business means. Business is simply a trust between parts to make a trade off something. Let’s forget and get relieved from those pressures and baggages of we are special enough to make a dent in universe talks.
Better to work more on our business cultures and our personal cultures, finding ethical ways for stabilisation our finances and more focusing on customer satisfactions in our works or products. Doing right those things rises up our businesses. World needs companies with doing the right things not trying to change it unblindly.