Partnerships in Companies

In a world where everything and either ourselves rapidly changing, how can we build trustable partnerships in our business?
Partnerships would happen when everyone shares at least one common purpose and get benefits from each other.
But why do we need partners in our organizations or our starting business? Can’ t we all them by ourselves and with some employees?
I guess it is like the same in marriage. Think you are single and had too many opportunities with no boundings in your social life and only responsible for yourself. Well, that is the good times I am telling you however sooner or later you will fall. In your sickness, depression, and problems you would need somebody to hold you back. It could be your family and friends of course but they may not be there always. Therefore a trustable, wise, problem-solver and a person always near you is the best partner you can have.
So let’s adopt this marriage into our business and see whereby comfortable each side can feel when making decisions, having bad times or need skills or wisdom when can’ t handle by ourselves.
I have worked in many companies where some are big cooperations and some of the small or family businesses. I have seen the family members fighting each other with ego-oriented issues which dramatically affect workers because of harsh attitudes and pressures coming from the top. I have seen successful couples growing their business which always inspired me.
Purposes, goals, passions, thinking, not thinking, dreaming, realizing, depression, ambition, fears, courage and so on. We feel them. All of them are very unique and affecting in different ways on every person. First, we need to focus on ourselves about our problems, characters and possible weaknesses to choose the right person to help us with them and walk through with us on that long path.
A right partner or partners could lead us to our goals faster and stable then we think, either in business and life.